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Thursday, September 21, 2017


Try out these honey ginger flavoured kulfis... a delicious and healthy treat in summer.

Condensed milk ... 250 ml
Whipped cream ... 250 ml (I used malai blended with little milk)
Milk powder ........ 1 cup (use full cream like Amulya or Nestle)
Honey ................ 3 tbsps
Ginger juice ...... 3 tbsps
Almond powder .. 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder .. 1/4 tsp
Powdered pistachios .. for garnishing

1. Grate or grind about 200
gms of ginger. Put it in a strainer and squeeze out the juice. Do not add water.
2. If you are using home malai blend it with little milk so that it mixes well with other ingredients.
3. Take all the ingredients into a bowl and blend them using a hand blender until mixed together.
4. Pour the mixture into kulfi moulds. Put them in the freezer to set.
5. Half way through insert a stick into the kulfis and leave them to set until done.

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  1. I am loving the honey and ginger flavours in your kulfi. It sounds really tasty.

    1. Thanks.. it really tasted nice and different.

  2. Kulfi is such a well known dessert in Indian restaurants and it is so refreshing and a great way to end a meal. I can imagine adding honey would make it amazing.

  3. I love kulfis but hadn't realised they could be made so easily at home. I thought that you would have to keep stirring it for a long time. Honey and ginger sounds like a winning combination.

    1. Thanks Mina. Actually the traditional one is made by stirring and cooking for a long time. This is an easy way out wwhen you are short of time.


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