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Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Try out this vibrant and healthy bowl of soup made with beetroot and apple.  It is flavoured with a mustard seeds and curry leaf tempering which adds to the taste. In this recipe we are using coconut milk instead of cream. You will really love the taste of this soup.
I saw this in the TV show "Turban Tadka" on Food Food Channel. 

Recipe credits - Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi.

Beetroot ........ 1 cup
Apple ............ 1 cup
Coconut milk ... 4-5 tbsps
Black pepper .... 1/8 tsp
Onion .......... 2 tbsps
Ginger ......... 1 tsp
Garlic .......... 1 tsp
Curry leaves .. few
Mustard seeds .. 1/2 tsp
Salt .............. to taste
Olive oil ....... 2 tbsps


Cut the apple, beetroot into cubes.and slice the onion.

In a pressure cooker or a pan heat 1 tbsp of olive oil and saute the ginger and garlic.

Now add the sliced onion and stir fry for a minute.

Tip in the apple and beetroot cubes and saute.

Add 3 cups of water and salt. Close the lid and pressure cook it for 4-5 whistles. If cooking in a pan it will take a little longer and you might have to add more water. 

Remove the pressure and blend the soup using hand blender. Strain it into a pot.

Now stir in the coconut milk and black pepper. Give one or two boils. 

Heat the remaining oil and add the tempering ingredients (mustard and curry leaves) Stir it onto the soup. You may also add bread croutons before serving.

Watch the recipe video

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  1. Innovative and a healthy oneπŸ€”πŸ‘Œ

  2. Oh my the combination caught my eye and made me read it; saving it for later as this is indeed a superb mix of flavours!!

  3. Shobha, what a delicious and creamy looking Beetroot and Apple Soup. I love beetroot so am sure this soup is going to be on my table soon.

  4. what a lovely soup! the flavor combination worked so well. Definitely a repeater recipe!

    1. Yes Mireille you are right. We love it so much that make it quite often

  5. Beetroot and Apple is a lovely combination for soup. It looks delicious and I Love the colour of your soup too. I have recently got a soup maker so will try your combination this weekend.

    1. Yes Mina, this soup is a big hit with everyone who tried. You will like it too.

  6. Soup with beet n apples sounds like a delicious and wonderfully easy. The colors too are beautiful. Love it and will definitely try it.

  7. Seems to be a fusion of rasam and soup in one bowl . The tempering of mustard and curry leaves will deftly give it an Indian touch while the croutons will give it the feel of a soup..loved your innovative idea πŸ’‘

  8. Love the red color and that chef always comes out with new dishes and its rocks. love the mustard tempering in soup.

    1. Yes Linsy. His recipes are easy and very different

  9. Such a lovely soup with apple and beet, it must be so flavoursome. I an sure this one will be a hit at home.

    1. Yes dear . It tastes so nice and it is very light too

  10. Beetroot and Apple make an amazing combo. Love this innovative soup. Such a beautiful colour. I am a sucker for soups and this is my kind of soup.

    1. Thanks dear. Even I love soups specially in winter. So comforting

  11. such a fan of soups here. I have made apple and beet soup separately, but the combo looks very tempting :)

    1. Thanks Kalyani. You will love this combo. I must try apple soup by itself. Does it have a sweeter taste.


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